Having an eyelash extension procedure can improve the appearance of your eyes and create dramatic accents that need no mascara.
Permanent Eyelash Implants
What is Permanent Eyelash Implants?
Many people find that they would like to extend their eyelashes, or make them thicker and fuller. There are many techniques used in order to forward this aim. It is possible to receive semi permanent eyelash extensions, use makeup (such as mascara), or even have surgical eyelash implants. These implants amount to having new, permanent eyelashes placed on the upper eyelid. While some people really enjoy the results of this procedure, others find the thought of surgery so close to the eye and its inherent dangers too difficult to face.
Permanent eyelash implants are in reality a transplant surgery. Understand the process of eyelash implant surgery, which is done under local anesthetic. Hair, including the follicle, is removed from the back of the scalp and then transplanted into the eyelash. Generally, about 30 hair follicles are implanted into each upper lash. The whole process takes 1 to 2 hours and is done as out-patient surgery.
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